George Town, Grand Cayman, March 3rd, 2020 – Members of Cayman’s international insurance industry are currently attending the annual ReFocus Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada.
ReFocus, a global conference for senior-level life insurance and reinsurance executives is jointly hosted by The American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI) and the Society of Actuaries (SOA). With over 800 industry executives participating, representing almost 250 companies, the presence of a strong Cayman contingent further supports Cayman’s footprint in the longevity reinsurance market.
Representatives from Aon, Conyers and Marsh are joined by Cayman reinsurers, Aureum Re, Knighthead and Nassau Re.
The Insurance Managers Association of Cayman (IMAC) Vice Chair, Adrian Lynch currently attending the conference, remarked: “With carriers, brokers, lawyers and insurance managers in attendance, and with an increased interest amongst US cedants in Cayman’s offering, I am confident ReFocus will become an ever more strategic event for Cayman.”
Derek Stenson, member of IMAC’s marketing committee added “It’s clearly evident every year at this conference that there is growing recognition among industry leaders of the advantages of Cayman for certain longevity structures. The ever-increasing contingent representing the jurisdiction is excited to meet the various industry stakeholders and to use the opportunity to discuss and showcase the positive and growing momentum Cayman is experiencing in the space.”
Martin Cooke, Chair of IMAC’s marketing committee commented “Long term insurance and reinsurance is an increasingly important class of business in Cayman. The growth we’re seeing in this area further highlights how Cayman has become a reliable option as an alternative jurisdiction for new structures in this space.”
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