2016 Captive Forum Success

George Town, Grand Cayman, 12 December 2016

“Don’t give up hope” was the message by keynote speaker ultra-distance swimmer Diana Nyad that reverberated the halls of the Ritz-Carlton, Grand Cayman at the 24th annual Cayman Captive Forum.   Speaking to a packed room who honoured her with a standing ovation, Ms. Nyad encouraged her listeners to be the type of people who would keep trying and failing rather than giving up on a dream. 

The Cayman Captive Forum is the signature event of the Insurance Managers Association of Cayman (IMAC).  The conference, which attracted a record number of almost 1,500 attendees, including many first-timers, comprised three days of tutorials, inspirational speakers, panel discussions on issues affecting the captive insurance industry, including a talk on Uber and the new shared economy, and excellent networking opportunities.

Prince Hermann Friedrich of Leiningen gave an informative talk on the state of the world markers and his view on the uncertainty that stands before us.  Once again, Michael Bazzell was a big hit, keeping the crowd in stiches as he demonstrated his latest tips on how to keep personal information private and delivered captivating on-stage examples of how easy it is for the wrong people to get access to a person’s most private information. 

Forum Committee Chair Erin Brosnihan of Kensington Management Group, Ltd. was pleased with the results of the Forum:  “once again we were able to secure first rate speakers, who were informative yet entertaining, a factor which contributes to the popularity of our Forum, year over year. 

On top of that, the cooperation of the often unpredictable Caribbean weather, added to the success of our outdoor networking functions”, she said.

The 2017 Forum dates have already been released:  November 28 to 30, 2017. 


For more information on this release, please contact:

Denise Gower



345 945 8188