One Unified Voice
Be part of the association that brings together Cayman’s international insurance industry with one voice to benefit everyone working in the sector. Through our work, liaising with both the government and CIMA, we promote the Cayman Islands as the right choice for captives, reinsurance and insurance linked securities. Become a member of IMAC today.
Become a Member of the Insurance Managers Association of Cayman
Benefits of Membership
- Discounted delegate fees for the Cayman Captive Forum (Forum) for all your company’s representatives and affiliates.
- Priority registration and discounted rates for hotel rooms at the Ritz-Carlton, Grand Cayman for the week of the Forum.
- Preferential consideration as a speaker or panelist in Forum sessions.
- Continuing Professional Education credits at the Forum and through attendance at the several live industry updates, webinars etc.
- Inclusion in our website member listings.
- eNewsletters.
- IMAC is a not-for-profit organisation run by the resident Insurance Managers of the Cayman Islands (marketed internationally as Cayman International Insurance).
- IMAC provides a united front for the Cayman captive industry to promote the Cayman Islands as the domicile of choice for international insurance.
- IMAC’s membership is comprised of Cayman licensed Insurance Managers, local and overseas service providers as well as captive insurance companies.
- Provide effective representation to the Cayman Islands Parliament on Regulatory Committees which enables a united industry to have substantive input into any proposed changes to current insurance legislation and regulations.
- Provide ongoing educational opportunities for local members by way of regular technical courses and seminars led by industry experts.
- Produce regular e-Newsletters. Sign up now for eNews at
- Promote the Cayman domicile through press releases, social media and attendance at various conferences e.g. ASHRM and RIMS conferences.
- Organise and host various networking events to which all members are invited. See our events page.
- Organise and coordinate the informative annual Forum.
- Work to raise money for our Scholarship Fund.
Insurance Managers
Associate Members
Brokers & Consultants
Insurance Companies
Investment Management
Reinsurance Companies
Risk Management
Captive Insurance Companies (Class B Members)
By joining IMAC it’s easy to get involved and contribute to the knowledge pool within the Cayman Islands’ international insurance community. With your support, we can continue our efforts to promote the integrity and quality of the captive insurance sector, reinsurance and ILS business.
Our Membership
Full Members
Full members of IMAC are our Cayman-based Insurance Managers, dedicated to upholding the high standards of our industry and are committed to the continued enhancement of the Cayman Islands as a domicile for all types of international insurance business.
Associate Members
Associate members of IMAC provide support to the industry as service providers to the international insurance sector in the Cayman Islands.
Company Members
Companies holding an insurance licence issued by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority, for captive, reinsurance or insurance linked securities business, which are managed by a Cayman insurance manager.
Membership Application Form
The Membership year runs to December 31st and membership fees are not pro-rated. There is no application fee. The cost of membership to insurance company owners and affiliates is US$750 per annum.
To join our membership simply fill out the application form above and return it to
IMAC was founded to promote the development of the industry and the three pillars of this development are – integrity, innovation and intellect. The code of conduct was developed to strengthen these objectives and provides guidance as to the standards expected of every full member.
As a member of IMAC, you are not only supporting our mission to uphold the high standards and technical excellence that the Cayman Islands insurance business has become known for, but you will also qualify for some special benefits and deals.
Benefits of IMAC Membership
Who we are
What we do
The Cayman Islands Monetary Authority encourages all captives to be members of IMAC. The cost of membership to captive owners and affiliates is US$ 750 per annum.
Our membership of insurance managers represents some of the most highly regarded institutions operating in the business. We are pleased to showcase all our insurance managers in this directory.
Click here for an IMAC Insurance Manager Report – you can use this report to identify IMAC Membership numbers
Insurance Manager Members

Advantage International Management (Cayman), Ltd.

Aon Insurance Managers

Artex Insurance Management (Cayman) Ltd.,

Artex Risk Solutions (Cayman) Limited

Beecher Carlson

Blue Ocean Insurance Management Services Ltd.

Captiva Global Financial Services

CSI International Underwriting

Global Captive Management

Hyperion Insurance Management (Cayman) Limited

International Management Services

Kensington Management Group, Ltd.

Lainston International Management, Ltd.

Marsh Management Services

Nascent Insurance Management Cayman Ltd

Risk Management Advisors

Sagicor Insurance Managers

Strategic Risk Solutions

USA Risk Group

Willis Towers Watson Management (Cayman) Limited
Our Associate Members are comprised of reputable and respected service providers, supporting all aspects of international insurance operations in the Cayman Islands.
Click here for a Local & Overseas IMAC Member Report – you can use this report to identify IMAC Membership numbers

AKA Consulting Ltd.
Friedland Consulting Services, LLC

Pinnacle Actuarial


Willis Towers Watson US LLC.


Captive Legal Advisors PLC

Carey Olsen


Honigman LLP

Kerr Russel and Weber

Maples Group - Legal Services

McDermott Will & Emery LLP


Baker Tilly (Cayman) Ltd
Baker Tilly US, LLP

BDO Cayman


Crowe LLP


EisnerAmper Cayman Ltd

Ernst & Young

Ernst & Young (US) LLP

Forvis Mazars

Grant Thornton




RSM Cayman


Cayman National Bank Ltd.

Comerica Bank

FirstCaribbean International Bank

RBC Wealth Management Dominion Securities

ScotiaBank & Trust

SunTrust Bank (Now Truist)

Wilmington Trust

Alliant Insurance Services


Cornerstone Risk Solutions, LLC
International Captive Consulting, Inc.

Edgewood Healthcare Advisors, an EPIC company

Gallagher Insurance Brokers (Cayman) Ltd

Kirkway International

Lockton Companies

Marsh USA


RT Specialty

Risk Strategies

USI Southwest

Willis Towers Watson US LLC.


Arch Insurance Company

Beazley PLC


Brown & Brown

Captive Resources

CHUBB Insurance

CNA HealthPro

CRC Insurance Services

EmPRO Insurance Company

Innovative Captive Strategies


MagMutual Insurance Company

Propel Insurance

QBE Americas


Sedgwick CMS

TDC Specialty Underwriters, LLC

The Doctors Company

United Insurance Company


CapVisor Associates, LLC

Computershare Corporate Trust

Fiduciary Trust Company International of PA

Five Continents Financial Ltd

London & Capital

Lucid Management and Capital Partners LP

Merrill Lynch

New England Asset Management

Oppenheimer & Co
P/E Investments


PNC Institutional Asset Management

Summit Asset Management Limited

Victory Capital

AI Insurance

Cayman Islands Compliance Association

Intercare Insurance Services

Ob Hospitalist Group

Preverity Inc.

Wisconsin Medical Society Holdings

Aureum Reinsurance Company Ltd

Greenlight Re

Oxbridge Reinsurance Limited

CAC Specialty


Focus Management Associates

GB Specialty

Health Risk Advisors
Hylant Global Captive Solutions

Swain & Baldwin Insurance & Risk Management

The Sullivan Group
With its long history as a highly successful captive insurance domicile, the Cayman Islands has attracted captive owners from around the world, due to its favourable conditions for business and effective and flexible regulatory framework, our company membership includes captives of all sizes, covering a wide range of risks.
Cayman’s Captive Insurance Industry
Understand the size and depth of Cayman’s captive insurance sector and why it is considered a first class jurisdiction and a model for the industry, with this industry insight.
Click here for an IMAC Class B Listing report (sorted by Manager) – you can use this report to identify IMAC Membership numbers and respective Insurance Manager.
Click here for an IMAC Class B Listing report – you can use this report to identify IMAC Membership numbers and respective Insurance Manager.
If you are seeking to confirm professional liability insurance, other coverages, claims history, etc (e.g. for a specific physician), please refer to the contact details which should be on their insurance coverage policy cover note. Alternatively, you can use the Class B Listing membership listing to locate the name of the Cayman Captive Insurance Company and their respective Insurance Manager who’s contact details are listed on this page. In case of difficulty please contact us and we will be glad to assist.
Advantage International Management (Cayman), Ltd.

Liam Fleming
T: +1 (345) 814 3215 (Direct)
T: +1 (345) 949 1599 (General)
Advantage International Management (Cayman), Ltd.
Suite 5304, 18 Forum Lane, Camana Bay
Grand Cayman, KY1-9006
Cayman Islands
Aon Insurance Managers

Howard Byrne
Chief Commercial Officer & Director
T: +1 (345) 914 8936 (Direct)
18 Forum Lane
Second Floor, Camana Bay
PO Box 69
Grand Cayman, KY1-1102
Cayman Islands
NOTE re Credentialing Requests: Please contact to confirm professional liability insurance or other coverages, or claims history etc e.g. for a specific physician.
Artex Insurance Management (Cayman) Ltd.,

Yohann Regnard
T: +1 (345) 914 2271
3rd Floor Willow House, Cricket Square
171 Elgin Avenue, George Town
P.O. Box 10233
Grand Cayman, KY1-1002
Cayman Islands
Artex Risk Solutions (Cayman) Limited

Suzanne Sadlier
T: +1 (345) 949 5263
3rd Floor Willow House, Cricket Square
171 Elgin Avenue, George Town
P.O. Box 10233
Grand Cayman, KY1-1002
Cayman Islands
Note re Credentialing Requests: Please contact to confirm professional liability insurance or other coverages, or claims history etc e.g. for a specific physician.
Beecher Carlson

Clayton Price
T: +1 (345) 928 1127
T: +1 (818) 963 0422
5th Floor Anderson Square Bldg,
64 Shedden Road
George Town
P.O. Box 10193
Grand Cayman, KY1-1002
Cayman Islands.
Blue Ocean Insurance Management Services Ltd.

Adrian Lynch
T: +1 (345) 325 8339
P.O. Box 499
Grand Cayman, KY1-1106
Cayman Islands
Captiva Global Financial Services

Harry Thompson
T: +1 (345) 946 4111
Governors Square, Building 4, 2nd Floor,
23 Lime Tree Bay Avenue,
Seven Mile Beach
P.O. Box 32315
Grand Cayman, KY1-1209
Cayman Islands
CSI International Underwriting

JS de Jager
T: +1 (345) 9497322
2nd Floor, Governors Square, 23 Lime Tree Bay Avenue
P.O. Box 1392
Grand Cayman, KY1-1110
Cayman Islands
Global Captive Management

Alanna Trundle
T: +1 (345) 949 7966
Governors Square, Building 3, 2nd Floor
23 Lime Tree Bay Avenue
P.O. Box 1363
Grand Cayman, KY1-1108
Cayman Islands
Hyperion Insurance Management (Cayman) Limited

Martin Cooke
T: +1 (345) 623 6500
Grand Pavilion Commercial Centre, Suite 24
802 West Bay Road
P.O. Box 10281
Grand Cayman, KY1-1003
Cayman Islands
International Management Services

Damien Austin
T:+1 (345) 814 2857
Harbour Centre, 4th Floor
George Town
P.O. Box 61
Grand Cayman, KY1-1110
Cayman Islands
Kensington Management Group, Ltd.

Erin Brosnihan
T: +1 (345) 946 2100
Kensington House,
Dr. Roy’s Drive, George Town
P.O. Box 10027
Grand Cayman, KY1-1001
Cayman Islands
Lainston International Management, Ltd.

Brad Fisher
T: +1 (345) 943 1206
Lainston International Management, Ltd.
Sussex House
128 Elgin Avenue
Grand Cayman KY1-1206
Cayman Islands
Marsh Management Services

Kieran Mehigan
T: +1 (345) 914 5744
Governors Square, Building 4, 2nd Floor
23 Lime Tree Bay Ave
P.O. Box 1051
Grand Cayman, KY1-1102
Cayman Islands
Note re Credentialing Requests: Please contact to confirm professional liability insurance or other coverages, or claims history etc e.g. for a specific physician.
Nascent Insurance Management Cayman Ltd

Sergio Micucci
T: +1 (345) 926 8942
c/o Conyers Trust Company (Cayman) Limited
Cricket Square, Hutchins Drive
PO Box 2681
Grand Cayman, KY1-1111
Cayman Islands
Risk Management Advisors

Norman Ogali
T: +1 (345) 945 5556
Whitehall House, 3rd Floor
238 North Church St
George Town
PO Box 699
Grand Cayman, KY1-1107
Cayman Islands
Sagicor Insurance Managers

Suzette Hutchinson
T: +1 (345) 949 8211
Sagicor Insurance Managers Ltd.
198 North Church Street
2nd Floor Sagicor House
PO Box 1087 Cayman Islands
Grand Cayman KY1-1102
Strategic Risk Solutions

Jenny Pooley
Stephen Gray
Seamus Tivenan
T: +1 (345) 623 6611
Caribbean Plaza, 2nd Floor, North Building
878 West Bay Road
P.O. Box 1159
Grand Cayman, KY1-1102
Cayman Islands
NOTE re Credentialing Requests: Please contact to confirm professional liability insurance or other coverages, or claims history etc e.g. for a specific physician.
USA Risk Group

Paul Macey
T: +1 (345) 946 0821
Queensgate House, 5th Floor
113 South Church Street
George Town
P.O. Box 1085
Grand Cayman, KY1-1102
Cayman Islands
Note re Credentialing Requests: Please contact Melissa Leslie at to confirm professional liability insurance or other coverages, or claims history etc. e.g. for a specific physician.
Willis Towers Watson Management (Cayman) Limited

Lesley Thompson
Managing Director
T: +1 (345) 949 6039
The White House (c/o Regus), 20 Genesis Close
P.O. Box 30600
Grand Cayman, KY1-1203
Cayman Islands
AKA Consulting Ltd.

Alvin Kwong
T: (345) 936 6888
P.O. Box 1526,
Grand Cayman KY1-1504,
Cayman Islands
Friedland Consulting Services, LLC
Bruce Friedland
T: (860) 372 8895
2129 Colusa Ct.,
Palm Harbor,
FL 34683,
Pinnacle Actuarial

Joseph Herbers
T: (309) 807 2300
3109 Cornelius Drive
Bloomington, IL 61704

Al Rhodes
T: +(615) 376 5110 ext 203
530 Virginia Way, Suite 230
Brentwood, TN
Willis Towers Watson US LLC.

Ann Conway
Jeremy Brigham

Simon Raftopoulos
T: +1 (345) 814 2748
Clifton House
75 Fort Street
PO Box 190
Cayman Islands

Alan Craig
T: +1 (345) 914 5864
Floor 4, Willow House
Cricket Square
PO Box 884, George Town
Grand Cayman, KY1-1103
Cayman Islands
Captive Legal Advisors PLC
Zachary Fryer
T: +1 (248) 207-9801
200 Michigan St.
6th Floor
Hancock MI 49930
Carey Olsen

Dylan Wiltermuth
T: +1 (345) 749 2000
Willow House
Cricket Square
PO Box 10008, George Town
Grand Cayman, KY1-1001
Cayman Islands

Kevin Butler
T: +1 (345) 945 3901
Boundary Hall, 2nd Floor, Cricket Square, PO Box 2681
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands.
Honigman LLP

Julie E. Robertson
T: +1 (313) 465 7520
2290 First National Building
660 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, MI 48226
Kerr Russel and Weber

Eric Lark
T: +1 (345) 313 961 0200
500 Woodward Ave., Ste. 2500
Detroit, MI 48226-5499
Maples Group - Legal Services

John Dykstra
T: +1 (345) 814 5530
PO Box 309, Ugland House
South Church Street
George Town
Grand Cayman
Cayman Islands
McDermott Will & Emery LLP

Lisa Kaderabek
444 West Lake Street
Chicago , IL 60606-0029

Philip Paschalides
T: +1 (345) 814 4675
190 Elgin Avenue
George Town, Grand Cayman KY1-9001
Cayman Islands
Baker Tilly (Cayman) Ltd

Miguel Lopez
T: +1 (345) 946 7853
Governor’s Square 2nd Floor, Building 4
23 Lime Tree Bay Avenue
P.O. Box 888
Grand Cayman, KY1-1103
Cayman Islands
Baker Tilly US, LLP
Ken Hugendubler
T: +1 (717) 319 5440
1650 Market Street, Suite 4500
Philadelphia, PA 19103
BDO Cayman

Paul Arbo
T: +1 (345) 943 8800
2nd Floor – Building 3
Governors Square
23 Lime Tree Bay Avenue
Grand Cayman KY1-1205
Cayman Islands

Neil Maynard
T: +1 (345) 814 2421
94 Solaris Avenue, 2nd Floor
Camana Bay
PO Box 30851
Grand Cayman, KY1-1204
Cayman Islands
Crowe LLP

Daniel Kusaila
T: +1 (860) 470 2122
62 Memorial Road #100
West Hartford,
CT 06107

Carrie Brown
T: +1 (345) 949 7500
One Capital Place
Grand Cayman KY1-1109
George Town
P.O. Box 1787 GT
Cayman Islands
EisnerAmper Cayman Ltd

Ben Leung
T: +1 (345) 945 5889
P.O. Box 1782
Grand Cayman, KY1-1109
Cayman Islands
Ernst & Young

Rohan Small
T: +1 (345) 949 8444
62 Forum Lane
Camana Bay
P.O. Box 510
Grand Cayman, KY11106
Cayman Islands
Ernst & Young (US) LLP

Mikhail Raybshteyn
T: +1 (516) 336 0255
1 Jericho Plaza, Suite 105
Jericho NY 11753
Forvis Mazars

Jeff Kelly
121 Windward III – Regatta Office Park
Grand Cayman,
Cayman Islands
Grant Thornton

Dara Keogh
T: +1 (345) 949 8588
5th Floor, Bermuda House
Dr. Roy’s Drive
PO Box 1044
Grand Cayman, KY1-1102
Cayman Islands

David Watt
T: +1 (345) 949 4800
P.O. Box 493
Century Yard, Cricket Square
Grand Cayman KY1-1106
Cayman Islands

Laurie Bizzell
T: +1 (816) 743 7700
6800 W 115th St., Suite 3511
Overland Park, KS 66211

Charles Boland
T: +1 (345) 949 7000
5th Floor Strathvale House
90 North Church Street
P.O. Box 258 Georgetown,
Grand Cayman KY1-1104
Cayman Islands
RSM Cayman

Alex Bodden
T +1 (345) 743 3011
Philip Alexander
T +1 (345) 743 3016
Zephyr House
Mary Street
George Town
P.O. Box 10311
Grand Cayman KY1-1003
Cayman Islands

Graeme Skinner
T: +1 (345) 949 7055
12 Albert Panton Street
PO Box 705
Grand Cayman KY1-1107
Cayman Islands
Cayman National Bank Ltd.

Regina Oliver
T: +1 (345) 640 5483
Comerica Bank

Martin Ellis
FirstCaribbean International Bank

Alan Purvis
T: +1 (345) 949 7300
25 Main Street
P.O. Box 68 GT
Grand Cayman, KY1-1102
Cayman Islands
RBC Wealth Management Dominion Securities

Stephen Price
T: +1 (345) 814 8141
3rd Floor, 9 Forum Lane
Box 1140, Camana Bay
Grand Cayman, KY1-9006
Cayman Islands
ScotiaBank & Trust

Jacqueline Forrester
T: +1 (345) 949 7666
P.O. Box 689
Grand Cayman. KY1-1107
Cayman Islands
SunTrust Bank (Now Truist)

Donny Tong
T: +1 (212) 590 0976
711 Fifth Avenue, 6th Floor
New York,
NY 10022
Wilmington Trust

Mike Ramsey
Insurance Trust Services
T: +1 (212) 941 4420
166 Mercert Street, Suite 2-R
New York,
NY 10308
Alliant Insurance Services

Howard Byrne
Chief Commercial Officer & Director
T: +1 (345) 914 8936 (Direct)
18 Forum Lane
Second Floor, Camana Bay
PO Box 69
Grand Cayman, KY1-1102
Cayman Islands
Cornerstone Risk Solutions, LLC

Jess Cornejo
T: +1 (316) 871 2275
430 E. Douglas, Suite 500
Wichita, KS 67202
International Captive Consulting, Inc.
Monica Everett
T: +1 (858) 922 2105
10820 Colony Wood Place
Spring, Texas 77380
Edgewood Healthcare Advisors, an EPIC company

Holly Ireland
T: +1 (415) 365 4183
1 California St.
Suite 400
San Francisco, CA 94111
Gallagher Insurance Brokers (Cayman) Ltd

Clive Dawson
T: +1 (345) 945 0030
Kirkway International

Michael Woodroffe
T: +1 (441) 296 5829
34 Bermudiana Road
P.O. Box HM413
Hamilton HMBX
Lockton Companies
Marsh USA

Gisele Norris
T: +1 (415) 606 4385
Four Embarcadero Center, Suite 1100
San Francisco, CA 94111

Chris Bonesteel
T: +1 (518) 461 0751
555 Fairmount Ave
Baltimore, Maryland 21286-5497,
RT Specialty

Rebekah Thomson
T: +1 (713) 351 8262
Vice President – RT Specialty
Director of Houston Healthcare
3131 Eastside, Suite 600
Houston, TX 77098
Risk Strategies

Robert Dubraski
160 Federal Street
Boston, MA 02110
USI Southwest

Becky Fuentes
820 Gessner, Suite 1825
Houston, TX 77024
Willis Towers Watson US LLC.

Maryann McGivney
Five Concourse Parkway, 18th Floor
Atlanta, GA 30328

Dan Hatton
175 Water St.
New York, NY 10038
Arch Insurance Company

Bill Murphy
CityPlace II, 185 Asylum St
Hartford, CT 06103
Beazley PLC

Nat Cross
T: +44 (207) 674 7236

Daniel Asahl
T: +1 (800) 523 3686
16305 Swingley Ridge Road
Ste. 450
Chesterfield, MO 63017
Brown & Brown

Matt Siciliani
T: +1 (707) 287 1038
6 Concourse Parkway,
Suite 2300
Atlanta, GA 30329
Captive Resources

Michael Gibbs\
T: +1 (847) 781 1400
201 East Commerce Drive
Schaumburg, IL 60173-5338
CHUBB Insurance

Diane Doherty
1133 Avenue of the Americas, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10036
CNA HealthPro

Michelle Birkett
CRC Insurance Services

Lee McClure
T: +1 (205) 414 2217
One Metroplex Dr. Suite 400
Birmingham, AL 35209
EmPRO Insurance Company

Jaby Jacob
T: +1 (516) 277 4067
1800 Northern Blvd
Roslyn, NY 11576
Innovative Captive Strategies

Tom Stewart
T: +1 (888) 753-9254
2727 Grand Prairie Pkwy.Waukee, IA 50263

Dennis Cook
MagMutual Insurance Company

Ed Lynch
T: +1 (404) 313 6193
T: +1 (404) 842 5536
3535 Piedmont RD NE Bldg. 14-1000
Atlanta, GA 30305
Propel Insurance

Taylor Preston
151 Major Reynolds Place, Suite 210
Knoxville, TN 37919
QBE Americas

Tara Krauss
Head of A&H
T: +1 (978) 619 1510
Matthew Drakeley
VP, Underwriting
T: +1 (215) 446 6936

Matt Kunish
250 Commercial Street,
Suite 500
Manchester, NH 03102
Sedgwick CMS

Julie Kolibash
TDC Specialty Underwriters, LLC

George Bennett
T: +1 (860) 268 2833
29 Mill Street
Unionville, CT 60181
The Doctors Company

Bruce Anderson
T: +1 (707) 226 0206
185 Greenwood Road
Napa, CA 94558
United Insurance Company

Janet Sairsingh
CapVisor Associates, LLC

Carl Terzer
T: +1 (973) 665 6370 Ext. 1
P.O. Box 1084
Gainesville, GA 30503
Computershare Corporate Trust

Charles Baker
T: +1 (708) 490 8879
1290 Avenue of the Americas, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10104
Fiduciary Trust Company International of PA

Jonathan M. Heckscher
T: +1 (610) 977 0267
Five Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 450
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Five Continents Financial Ltd

Bill Messer
London & Capital

Darren Treasure
T: +1 (246) 271 1332
1st Floor
One Welches
St Thomas
Barbados BB22025
Lucid Management and Capital Partners LP

Carolina Siles
T: +1 (202) 487 0768
295 Madison Avenue,
39th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Merrill Lynch

Ronnie Dennis
New England Asset Management

Chris Lech
T: + 1(860) 676 8722
Oppenheimer & Co

J.A.”Jack” Meskunas
T: +1 (203) 975 2084
750 Washington Boulevard
Stamford, CT 0691
P/E Investments
Kevin Niehus
T: +1 (617) 933 4500

Hugh Barit
T: +1 (441) 295 6754
Continental Building, 2nd Floor
25 Church Street
Hamilton HM 12, Bermuda
P.O. Box HM 2440
Hamilton HM JX, Bermuda
PNC Institutional Asset Management

Anjanette Fowler
T: +1 (602) 295 5958
2801 E. Camelback Rd., Suite 300
Phoenix, Arizona 85004
Summit Asset Management Limited

Claire Barker
T: +1 (246) 262 2655
Suite 100, John W Lovell Building
Lower Collymore Rock, St Michael
Barbados, BB11115
Victory Capital

Hanan Yelda
T: +1 (248) 303 2529
480 Pierce Street,
Birmingham, MI 48009
AI Insurance

Anna Seale
T: +1 (415) 273 9840
44 Montgomery St, Suite 1800,
San Francisco, CA 94104
Cayman Islands Compliance Association

Damon Selman-Carrington
Intercare Insurance Services

Amy Evans
T: +1 (425) 636-1062
Ob Hospitalist Group

Eric Gardzina
T: +1 (864)908 3522
777 Lowndes Hill Rd – Bldg. 1
Greenville, SC 29607
Preverity Inc.

Larry Van Horn
T: +1 (615) 982-7085
Wisconsin Medical Society Holdings
Aureum Reinsurance Company Ltd

Jim Owen
T: +1(345) 640 0070
94 Solaris Avenue, 3rd Floor
Camana Bay
P.O. Box 726
Grand Cayman, KY1-9006
Cayman Islands
Greenlight Re

Ria Scott Blyth
T: +1 (345) 749 0240
65 Market Street, Suite 1207
Jasmine Court
Camana Bay
PO Box 31110
Grand Cayman KY1-1205
Cayman Islands
Oxbridge Reinsurance Limited

Jay Madhu
T: +1(345) 749 7570
Strathvale House, 2nd Floor
90 North Church Street, P.O. Box 469
Grand Cayman, KY1-9006
Cayman Islands
CAC Specialty

Kevin Carnell
T: +1 (443) 621 4704
250 Fillmore Street, Suite 450
Denver, CO 80206

Sean Logue
T: +1 (617) 450 6869
1325 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02215
Focus Management Associates

Rick Grobart
T: +1 (847) 250 6887
737 W. Washington Boulevard – Suite 2207
Chicago, IL 60661
GB Specialty

Robert Blasio
T: +1 (713) 935 2400
1900 West Loop South, Suite 1500
Houston, TX 77027
Health Risk Advisors

Paul MacLellan
T: +1 (248) 946 2876
111 West 33rd Street 8th Floor,
New York, NY 10120
Hylant Global Captive Solutions
Anne Marie Towle
T: +1 (317) 817 5122
10401 N. Meridian Street
Suite 200
Indianapolis, IN 46290
Swain & Baldwin Insurance & Risk Management

Matthew Baldwin
T: +1 (713) 858 9039
107 West Lufkin Ave
Suite 318,
Lufkin, TX 75904
The Sullivan Group

Brant Roth
T: +1 (630) 268 1188
1S. 450 Summit Ave.
Suite 320
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181