Contact us
If you’d like to contact IMAC for any reason, we would be delighted to hear from you. Whether you are looking to share information, ask a question or request further details on any subject, use the information below to get in touch with us. We are always open to new perspectives and suggestions on how we can provide a better service to our members.
P.O. Box 10552, Grand Cayman KY1-1005, Cayman Islands
Kevin Poole General Manager
Nicholas Tibbetts Assistant to the General Manager
+ 1 345-949-4622
Note re Credentialing Requests:
If you are seeking to confirm professional liability insurance, other coverages, claims history, etc (e.g. for a specific physician), please refer to the contact details which should be on their insurance coverage policy cover note. Alternatively, you can use our Members page at: and expand the Cayman Captive Insurance Company section and open the Class B Listing pdf document to locate the name of the Insurance company and identify their respective Insurance Manager; then expand the Insurance Manager section and click on the respective company to see their contact details. In case of difficulty please contact us and we will be glad to assist.