2017 Agenda
The 2017 Forum was a fantastic event with something for everyone, from healthcare, group captives, worker’s compensation, reinsurance and insurance-linked securities. Presentations are available on request.
Tuesday November 28, 2017
Wednesday November 29, 2017
Thursday November 30, 2017
Friday December 1, 2017
7:30AM | 12:00PM | Golf Tournament – The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club Sponsored by PRP Performa www.performa.bm |
12:00PM | 5:00PM | Rembro | Meet the Markets |
Pre-Forum Tutorials | |||
1:00PM | 1:50PM | Track A | Cayman Regulatory Update James Trundle, Rob Humphries, Raz Buzari, David Watt. |
Track B | CIMA Inspections – Best Practices to Ensure Compliance Alan Craig, Eric Lark, Damian Pentney |
2:00PM | 2:50PM | Track A | Captive 101 Mark Cain, Robert Schuhriemen, Bill Sherwood. |
Track B | *Tax & Regulatory Basics for Non-Profit & Tax Exempt Entities Owning A Captive Andrew Blevins, Tom Jones. |
3:00PM | 3:50PM | Track A | Understanding Investments for your Captive Hugh Barit, Carl Terzer. |
Track B | *Tax Considerations for Taxable Entities Michael Domanski, TC Leshikar |
4:00PM | 4:50PM | Track A | IBNR – What is it? How did I get it? Is there a cure Michael Meehan, Clare Bello Ogden |
Track B | Around the World in 50 minutes Andrew Cater, Sean Rider |
* ICCIE Credit | |||
5:30PM | 7:00PM | Welcome Reception at The Ritz-Carlton North Sound Pool Sponsored by Butterfield www.butterfieldgroup.com |
7:30AM | 8:25AM | Morning | Breakfast in the Tent on the Great Lawn Sponsored by Gallagher Bassett www.gallagherbassett.com and Western Litigation www.westernlitigation.com |
Breakfast in Blue Restaurant Sponsored by Credit Suisse www.credit-suisse.com |
Main Forum | |||
8:30AM | 8:40AM | Chairman’s Opening Remarks | |
8:45AM | 8:55AM | Welcome by the Cayman Islands Government | |
9:00AM | 10:00AM | Keynote | Mel Robbins – The 5 Second Rule: Achieve Breakthrough Performance In Your Career and Life. Mel Robbins is a powerful motivational speaker who is trusted by global brands to inspire change, challenge thinking and accelerate personal and business growth. Her TEDx Talk on “How To Stop Screwing Yourself Over” has over 8 million views, and her book on the brain and productivity, “Stop Saying You’re Fine”, is a business bestseller that has been translated into four languages. Her newest book, “The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence With Everyday Courage” was published on February 28, 2017. Sponsored by Coverys www.coverys.com (Presentation not available for publishing.) |
10:05AM | 10:30AM | Coffee Break Sponsored by Greenlight Re www.greenlightre.ky |
10:35AM | 11:30AM | Opportunities and Challenges Created by the Intersection of People and Risk. Mr. Jones will discuss the connectivity between major risk issues for companies today and how a firm’s human capital can influence its risk profile. Todd Jones |
11:35AM | 12:30PM | Lessons on Leadership and Workplace Safety. In a world of misleading headlines, everyday risks often go unnoticed, and everyday safety leaders get short shrift. Deborah Hersman, President and CEO of the National Safety Council, shares lessons learned on leading hazards such as fatigue, distracted driving, and opioid prescription drug risks as well as ways to make our workplaces, commutes, and communities measurably safer. Deborah Hersman- President, National Safety Council |
12:30PM | 1:55PM | Lunch in the Tent on the Great Lawn Sponsored by The Risk Authority www.theriskauthority.com |
Lunch in Blue Restaurant Sponsored by Credit Suisse www.credit-suisse.com |
Breakout Sessions | |||
2:00PM | 2:50PM | Track A | *Buyer Beware: Pre-Acquisition Risk Assessments to Plan and Manage Integration
Elizabeth Mort, Gretchen Ruoff, Ellen Varney.
Track B | *”We want to insure WHAT in our captive?”
Audrey Greening, Betsy Hampton, Becky Havlisch, Hugh Thomas.
Track C | *Making the Change from Insurance Buyer to Insurance OWNER!. Andy Johnson (Moderator), Brian Fielkow, Gordon Padera. |
2:55PM | 3:45PM | Track A | *Cyber Risk, Patient Safety and Captives Bob Chaput (Moderator), Chet Porembski, Mark Reynolds. |
Track B | *Escaping “Captive-ity”: The influence of Prices, Performance, Politics & Profits on Investment Management for Captives Jack Meskunas (Moderator), Hugh Barit, Andy Baron, Myles Zyblock. |
Track C | *Federal Income Tax Issues Paul Phillips, Tom Jones, Bruce Wright. |
3:50 PM | 4:05PM | Ice Cream/Smoothie Break Sponsored by Kensington Management Group, Ltd www.kensingtonmanagement.ky and Captive Resources www.captiveresources.com |
4:10PM | 5:00PM | Track A | *Telehealth: The Future is Here – Opportunities and Challenges for Captives, Traditional Insurers and Risk Management Professionals Angela Russell, Gary Leonard, Bruce Whitmore, Paul Greve, Larry Smith. |
Track B | *Frenemy: How a PIC brought two nursing home competitors together Ari Kirshner (Moderator), Jeremy Brigham, Rob Humphries, Pegi McCabe. |
Track C | *A Group Captive Story – Getting Started Christopher Alviggi, Monica Everett, Peter Marte. |
*ICCIE Credit | |||
5:30PM | 7:00PM | Reception at Kimpton Seafire – Poolside Sponsored by Aureum Re |
Shuttle Buses will run from the Ritz-Carlton to Kimpton Seafire from 5:15PM and returning from 7:00PM – 7:15PM to |
7:30AM | 8:25AM | Morning | Breakfast in the Tent on the Great Lawn Co-Sponsored by Oliver Wyman www.oliverwyman.com and BerkleyMed www.berkleymed.com |
Breakfast in Blue Restaurant Sponsored by Kensington Management Group, Ltd www.kensingtonmanagement.ky and Captive Resources www.captiveresources.com |
Main Forum | |||
8:30AM | 8:40AM | Cayman Regulatory Update Ruwan Jayasekera – Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (No Presentation) |
8:40AM | 8:55AM | IMAC Scholarship Student Erica Powell (No Presentation) |
9:00AM | 10:00AM | The Cyber Attacks of 2017: Were You Compromised? Michael Bazzell Sponsored by Beazley Group www.beazley.com |
10:05AM | 10:30AM | Coffee Break Sponsored by Greenlight Re www.greenlightre.ky |
10:35AM | 11:30AM | Aon/ASHRM Hospital and Physician PL Benchmark Analysis Martha Jacobs – National Health Care Practice Leader, Aon Risk Solutions Virginia Jones – Senior Consultant and Actuary, Aon Risk Solutions (Presentation not available for publishing.) |
11:35AM | 12:30PM | The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Healthcare Galaxy: The Five Actions That Changed the Healthcare Landscape in America from 2017-2027 Dr. Stephen Klasko Sponsored by Grant Thornton www.grantthornton.ky (Presentation not available for publishing.) |
12:30PM | 1:55PM | Lunch in the Tent on the Great Lawn Sponsored by Grant Thonton www.grantthonton.ky |
Lunch in Blue Restaurant Sponsored by Kensington Management Group, Ltd www.kensingtonmanagement.ky and Captive Resources www.captiveresources.com |
Breakout Sessions | |||
2:00PM | 2:55PM | Track A | *Utilizing Patient Complaint Data as a Strategic Advantage for your Captive Elizabeth Connolly, Paul Greve, Amy Kane, Kimberly Willis. |
Track B | *Manage Cyber/Privacy Exposure in your Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Program
Lisa Jaimovich, Charles Kolodkin, Mike Midgley, Larry Smith.
Track C | *The Science and the ART of Reserving the Professional Liability Claim in a Captive Clare Bello Ogden, Eileen Shanley, Bruce Whitmore. |
2:55PM | 3:45PM | Track A | *Population Health: Opportunities and Challenges for Captives
Julie Robertson (Moderator), John Fitzgerald, Lisa Havens, Mark Troutman.
Track B | *Employees Gone Wild
Steven Chang, Peter Clancy, Sue Kinter, Deborah Miller.
Track C | *Group Captives: Approaches to Premium Development By Member Jim DeWulf, Joseph Herbers. |
3:50 PM | 4:05PM | Ice Cream/Smoothie Break Sponsored by Kensington Management Group, Ltd www.kensingtonmanagement.ky Captive Resources www.captiveresources.com |
4:10PM | 5:00PM | Track A | *Trials & Tribulations of Tort Reform
Dawne Davenport, Kevin Ward.
Track B | *Innovation and Captive Utilisation Beyond Your Original Business Plan Sean Logue, Michael Meehan, Anne Marie Towle. |
Track C | Cayman Innovation – ILS & Reinsurance Developments Kristian Leese (Moderator), Ruwan Jayasekera, Derek Stenson, David Towriss. |
*ICCIE Credit | |||
6:00PM | 9:00PM | Closing Reception on Seven Mile Beach at The Ritz-Carlton Sponsored by PricewaterhouseCoopers www.pwc.com Cigar Bar Sponsored by Pinnacle www.pinnacleactuaries.com Fireworks Sponsored by Integro www.integrogroup.com |
8:00AM | 1:00PM | Morning | Golf Tournament – The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club – CANCELLED Sponsored by PRP Performa www.performa.bm |